Managing Your PHONE PLUS IntroGreet Messages
To begin, click the button labeled ‘IntroGreets Dropbox Files’ at the top of this page to view your IntroGreets audio message files.
Click ‘Download’ and save the audio files to your computer, then open the files and save them to a new blank folder on your desktop.
To create a new blank folder, go to your desktop, right click, put your cursor on the word “New”, then select “Folder”.
We recommend naming this folder “PHONE PLUS IntroGreet don’t delete”.
Now, hold down the control key and press the “A” key, then left click your mouse on the intro greet files, and drag them to the new folder you just named ‘PHONE PLUS IntroGreet don’t delete’.
Next, click the button labeled ‘PHONE PLUS Manager Portal’ at the top of this page. When the manager portal page opens, add it to your “Favorites” for future use.
Log in with the username and password provided in your welcome email.
If you have not received a welcome email, or if you have forgotten your username or password, please email tech@premiercompanies.com.
Please make sure to only change the Intro Greetings.
Any other changes to your system may result in system errors causing downtime and additional charges to your account.
From the home screen, select the Auto Attendants tab, DO NOT click the red X to the right of your screen. That will delete your entire Auto Attendant.
On the left side of your screen, click on the name of the auto attendant file for your store to edit. This auto attendant is typically named IVR main.
Within this file you will see Auto Attendant Name, Extension, and Intro Greetings.
Select the speaker icon to the right of Intro Greetings to manage your IntroGreet messages.
Now select the Add Greeting button at the bottom of the page.
There are three ways to add an IntroGreet message:
- You can create a message using text to speech.
- You can upload one of the PHONE PLUS IntroGreet messages you have downloaded.
- You can record a message using your own voice.
To upload a pre-recorded PHONE PLUS audio file, select the option to Upload, then click the Browse button.
From here, you can browse to the PHONE PLUS IntroGreet folder saved on your desktop, then find and select the file you want to upload, then click Open.
Once your intro greetings file has been chosen, click the Select a time frame drop down menu located in the time frame menu, then select the Default option.
Never choose or create a different time frame.
Click the blue Upload button, then scroll to the bottom of the page and select the blue Save button.
When you want to stop the intro greeting from playing, log into the PHONE PLUS system.
From the home screen, again select the Auto Attendants tab.
Select the auto attendant file for your store, and click Edit.
Now select the speaker icon located next to “Intro Greetings”.
This will open up the IntroGreet message previously saved on your system.
Click the red X to the right of your IntroGreet file name to delete it, click Done, then scroll down, and select the blue Save button
If you wish to upload an intro greeting using text to speech, select the speaker icon next to “Intro Greetings” in your Auto Attendants tab. This will open the Manage Greetings window.
Click the Add Greeting button in this window, then select the Text to Speech option.
Type in the IntroGreet message you wish to record, and a new audio file will be created with a computer generated voice reading this message.
Select Default on the time frame and click the blue Save button.
Click the Done button at the bottom of the Manage Greetings window.
Make sure to click the blue Save button at the bottom of the Auto Attendants tab to save your changes.
To record your own voice as an IntroGreet message, open the Manage Greetings window, select Add Greeting, then choose the Record option in the New Greetings section.
In the field labeled “Call Me At”, enter the phone number of the phone you would like to use to record the message.
Choose one of your store phone’s extensions, or enter your cell phone number, then click Call.
You will receive a call on the phone number you have entered. Answer the call, and follow the instructions to record your own message.
After the call, click the Done button, then click the blue Save button in the Auto Attendants tab.
If you have any questions about the process, please email tech@premiercompanies.com.